My identity lies in not knowing who I am ...are made by not following instructions ...can come between us Here you come! They don't know all the facts yet Emotional intimacy ...remains to be done before we can announce our total failure to make any progress Errare Programma Est I抦 now trapped, without hope of escape or rescue The World is flat 1 l0v3 j00 - f0r3v3r 111 111 111 x 111 111 111 = 12345678987654321 ...has not been written yet The World is flat The World is flat The World is flat
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       天津北方艺术工程有限公司是集雕塑,浮雕,壁画,墙体彩绘和工艺品等综合运营的一家公共艺术服务性公司。公司承揽各种公共空间、公寓、酒店、公司、别墅、学校等场所的艺术工程设计与制作。 公司团队来自中央美院、天津美院雕塑系,壁画系,并由美院教授客座设计顾问。北方艺术致力于提升环渤海经济文化圈文化精神品位,全力打造北方地区最好的公共艺术服务公司,为政府,企事业单位,公司及个人等创造精神文化财富。本公司也是京津冀美院师生创作实习基地。公司本着互利共赢的原则,以真诚的态度,精湛的技术为您服务,共创美好未来。欢迎广大客户前来洽谈合作。


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